Chakra Color Sampler Kit
Chakra Color Sampler Kit An Essential oil sampler by Garden Essence. Highest Quality For the Lowest Price
Health Chest Sampler for most of your Aromatherapy needs
for 8 different 1 dram bottles (3.75 mls. ea.)
Audio Cassette size so they can be easily slipped into your purse or pocket.
Chakra Color Oils - Used on each chakra to help open and keep negative energy from reattaching.
White - Angelic Chakra above body,
Violet - Pineal/Crown Chakra
Indigo - Pituitary/Third Eye Chakra,
Blue - Thyroid/Throat Chakra,
Green - Thymus/Heart Chakra,
Yellow - Pancreas/Solar Plexus Chakra,
Orange - Reproductive/Sacral Chakra,
Red - Adrenal/Base or Root Chakra