Neem Pressed oil (Azadirchta indica) - India - by Garden Essence.
Scientific research has confirmed that Neem seed oil is non-toxic to mammals and may be very effective as an antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, dermatological and dental agent. It is also widely hailed as a natural insect repellant. This oil has been used for centuries in traditional Indian medicine to aid in the healing of topical skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, rashes, burns and acne. It is rich in fatty acids and glycerides and together with its healing properties, provides an excellent natural moisturizing base for skin care formulations.
Literature on the blending of Neem essential oil is difficult to acquire. Nonetheless, there are vague references to it blending well with Lavender (All), Clary Sage, Rosemary, Pine (All), Geranium (All), Marjoram, and spice oils - especially clove and nutmeg.
The claims made about neem hold up under scientific scrutiny. Neem oil works.
The bark, leaves and oil of the neem tree have been used in India for several thousand years, and are still used today. About 75% of Ayurvedic remedies contain some form of neem! Indians call the sacred neem tree "the village pharmacy", and have limitless faith in its abilities.
People value neem as a natural insect repellent and they use it for skin disorders. Many also take neem leaves internally. (It rid my pantry and kitchen of pantry moths.) Neem is effective against fungal conditions, boils, eczema, and ringworm.
Neem oil is used on humans, on animals, and on plants, for a huge range of different problems and diseases.
These are not just folk tales. Neem is the most heavily researched herbal remedy in India.
Scientists have identified over 150 active substances in neem, and many of those proved to be as effective in laboratory studies as the folklore claimed they would be.