VYR Defense
Product Information: k
VYR Defense (old name Vyren) by Hanna Kroeger Herbal Products.
VYR Defense Herbal Combination - is a unique blend of old-time garden herbs for the multitude of colds and flu strains that hit each winter season. Based on centuries-old European kitchen garden remedies. These herbs have a long history of use for viral infections like colds and flu, as well as the secondary symptoms of fevers, sore throat and digestive complaints.
Ingredients: Raspberry Leaf : Fights infections, relieves symptoms of cold, flu, cough, upset stomach, diarrhea. Basil: Fights infection, relieves cold and flu symptoms, upset stomach, fever, intestinal cramping, coughs, restlessness, cleanses the blood and lymph. Lettuce: Relieves digestive distress, tones the nerves and induces rest. This trinity of recognized ingredients is close competition with mom’s chicken soup.
Additional dietary suggestions: Vitamins A, C, Trace Minerals, Bioflavonoids