Eucalyptus Radiata
Eucalyptus Radiata -organic- Australia - Essential oil by Garden Essence. 100% pure, single species, first distillation, guaranteed free of pesticides and herbicides.
Aromatherapy Uses:: Long term or chronic respiratory ailments are alleviated with the radiata variety. Its an easier aroma to inhale directly. Aid asthma, muscle aches and nervous exhaustion. Appears anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anticatarrh, expectorant. This chemotype better suited for long term use of chronic respiratory conditions and best suited for viral or bacterial infections. Safer to inhale directly as has less cough reflex than eucalyptus globulus.
Respiratory: sinus problems, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, sore throat and mouth infections
Muscular/Skeletal: arthritis, muscle aches, pains, injuries, sprains, inflammations, especially rheumatoid arthritis Immune: myxovirus, influenza cold, fever- best for viral or bacterial infections
Nervous, Brain/Mind: headache, nervous exhaustion, neuralgia, sciatica
Blends well with: peppermint, lemon, lavender, and cedarwood.