Orange, Sweet
Orange, sweet pressed peel (Citrus sinensis) - USA -Essential oil by Garden Essence. 100% pure, single species, guaranteed free of pesticides and herbicides.
Aromatherapy Uses: antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, bactericidal, fungicidal, hypotensive, nervous sedative, lymphatic, stimulant, tonic-digestive
Skin: dull & oily skin, puffiness, wrinkles, softens thick, fissured and cracked skin; strengthens epidermis, increases circulation& melanocyte development, cell hydration, calms skin gland function, supports regeneration
Respiratory: bronchitis, chills
Muscular/Skeletal: palpitations
Cardio-vascular/ Lymphatic: environmental disinfection
Immune: colds, flu
Digestive: constipation, intestinal spasm, raises blood sugar, eases simple water retention, increases fluid circulation, aids digestive processes including gall bladder
Nervous Brain/ Mind: nervous tension, stress problems, harmonizes physical and mental, encourages energy
Emotional/Energetic: This oil epitomizes a comfortable, relaxed state of mind and increases positive occurrences.
Blends well with: cinnamon, clary sage, clove, cypress, frankincense, geranium, juniper, lavender, petitgrain, rose, lime, sage, ylang ylang, vetiver.