

  • $8.75

Emu Oil - 100% Pure

Emu oil lacks long chain fatty acids which makes it conducive to a long shelf-life. Aids in the relief of burns, skin ailments, sore joints, muscles aches, etc. Also good for psoriasis, eczema, scarring, swelling, latex dermatitis, rhinitis, keliods, contact dermatitis. Reduce roseola from rashes, acne inflammation, radiation treatments, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, arthritis and bursitis, callused feet, Achilles tendonitis, sprains, sports related injuries, skin chlorine irritation, tired muscles, razor burn and nicks. Moisturize cracked, chapped skin, sunburn, prevent blistering , diaper rash, minor cuts and scratches, bug bites, canker sores and cold sores, itching and burning of rashes. Moisturizer, dry, irritated nasal passages, stretch marks, under-eye puffiness, age spots, wrinkles, cuticles and nails, a natural emollient that is suitable for both skin care and cosmetics. The emu oil is rendered from a thick layer of fat on the back of the emu bird, yielding 5 - 7 liters of unsaturated, non-toxic, highly penetrating oil. It is generally between creamy pale yellow or creamy white depending if it has been rectified or not. It contains a high level of linolenic acid, known to temporarily ease joint pain. It also contains oleic acid, which produces an anti-inflammatory effect. It has virtually no aroma and does not clog pores.