Horsetail Grass

Horsetail Grass

  • $9.80

Horsetail Grass 440 mg 100 caps by Natures Way

Source of silica, heavily concentrated in its dried stems.  The name comes from the appearance of the mature plant, which resembles a horse's tail.

Horsetail is a healing herb, rich in nutrients and high in silica, which helps the body absorb calcium and promotes strong, healthy nails, teeth, hair, skin and, perhaps most importantly, strong bones. This is particularly beneficial for countering the bone loss and osteoporosis experienced by menopausal women. Horsetail has strong astringent properties that have been used to control internal and external bleeding for centuries, and it also acts on the genitourinary tract to relieve  many urinary ailments.

Directions: Take 1 capsule three times daily, preferably with food.
Serving Size: 1 Capsule Amount/Serving %DV
Horsetail (stem, leaf) 440mg *




Increase fluid intake during use. If you are pregnant, nursing a baby, or have cardiac or kidney dysfunction, consult a healthcare professional before taking this product.



Other Ingredients - Gelatin (capsule)