Patchouli, dark
Patchouli, dark (Pogostemon cablin) - Indonesia -Essential oil by Garden Essence. 100% pure, single species, first distillation, guaranteed free of pesticides and herbicides.
Aromatherapy Uses: anti depressant, analgesic, antiemetic, anti-infectious, antimicrobial, anti toxic, carminative, cicatrizant, decongestant, deodorant, fungicidal, nervine, prophylactic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, aphrodisiac, bactericidal, febrifuge,tonic
Skin: dermatitis(allergic and inflammatory), acne, athlete’s foot, cracked and dry skin, loose skin, enlarged pores, simple water retention, aids scars, wrinkles, wounds, tissue regenerator, oily hair and scalp, dandruff, eczema(weeping), impetigo, aids snake and insect bites
Respiratory: slows breathing
Cardio-vascular/ Lymphatic: external hemorrhoids, varicosities
Digestive: infectious intestinal colitis
Genito-Urinary/ Reproductive: frigidity, impotence; eases menopausal sweats
Nervous Brain/ Mind: nervous exhaustion, lethargy, stress related problems, sedative at low dose, stimulating at high dose.
Emotional/Energetic: Balances, sharpens and clarifies grounding one’s energy, aids dreams.